HomeCar CultureMan Watches Classic Car Sink in Lake

Man Watches Classic Car Sink in Lake

It’s never comfortable to see a man cry


Ever have something bad happen to you and everyone sees it? Like when you wipe out on a slippery surface? How you emerge, whether with embarrassment or aplomb, is up to you. But, if we were the owner of this Packard, we can’t imagine how we’d act, but hunches can be powerful predictors.

Canyon Lake Fire Department

Out in Canyon Lake, California, a small community in Riverside County, a gentleman parked his maroon 1939 Packard on a boat launch ramp and then prepared for photographs of the classic.

However, the man’s pride and joy started to roll down the ramp and into the lake. Twenty feet away, the car was completely submerged. Soon, security workers contacted the property owners association, who then called the fire department because, at the time, it was unknown whether anyone was inside the vehicle. Several hours later, the Packard was towed from the lake. Riverside County environmental health workers were also called to manage the clean-up as fluids may have leaked and contaminated the lake.

Canyon Lake Fire Department

It is said that the owner was “very emotional” – it doesn’t take Sherlock Hemlock (hey, Boomer, that’s a Sesame Street reference) to figure that out.

Diego Rosenberg
Diego Rosenberg
Lead Writer Diego Rosenberg is a native of Wilmington, Delaware and Princeton, New Jersey, giving him plenty of exposure to the charms of Carlisle and Englishtown. Though his first love is Citroen, he fell for muscle cars after being seduced by 1950s finned flyers—in fact, he’s written two books on American muscle. But please don’t think there is a strong American bias because foreign weirdness is never far from his heart. With a penchant for underground music from the 1960-70s, Diego and his family reside in the Southwest.


  1. Now to add insult to injury the poor guy is probably going to be fined by the environmental clowns.

    What a shame.

  2. My sons and friends were taking pics of their cars on a boat ramp into the Lehigh River one day, called me and talked me into joining them with my 74 Firebird Formula. I refused to get out of the car and use the parking brake, as this EXACT scenario was in my head. My heart sank when I saw this article.

  3. For those obviously unfamiliar with pre-WW2 automobiles, there is no “PARK position.” Nor is there an automatic transmission with a “PRNDL” selector. However, it is true that Packard was one of the first car makers to offer a “PARK” position on its own automatic (Ultramatic) transmission. But this was several years after this swimming car was made. People of today tend to believe that things of today and technologies of today and features of today somehow always existed. But not true….

    • But they all come with a “parking brake” which we now call emergency brake! Best theft deterrent these days is a standard transmission, and even more if it’s on the column. These kids these days wouldn’t know how to drive a three on a tree. Much less a regular stick.


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