HomeCar CultureQuestion of the Day: What is your least favorite Ford?

Question of the Day: What is your least favorite Ford?

Give us your take in the comments section and the story behind it


What is your least favorite Ford?

Give us your take in the comments section and the story behind your least favorite offering from the Ford Motor Company.

1978 Ford Mustang II King Cobra
1978 Ford Mustang II King Cobra (Image courtesy of Ford Motor Company)
David P. Castro
David P. Castro
The Santa Rosa, California native is an experienced automotive and motorsports writer with a passion for American muscle cars. He is a credentialed automotive, NASCAR, and IndyCar reporter that graduated from the University of Nevada. A devoted F1 and NASCAR fan, he currently resides in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife, son, Siberian Husky, Mini Cooper, and 1977 Chevrolet C10.


  1. Ford Fairmont—-I named it “pre-stressed garbage”—-the car “was built and had parts added to it……all under a bad sign”………………it couldn’t get out of its own way…… it would fall apart and break down, or break down and fall apart. I knew a Roman Catholic priest from our parish and asked him to bless it. He did…….holy water and all……it helped some, but then the car would shake off the religious help and return to its evil ways. We used it as the last desperate mode of ground transportation available……..we sold it off to a friend who owned a junk yard, and they used it as lot transportation. Of course…….it ran perfectly for them at the junk yard………….

  2. Can’t really argue with the Fairmont, but it was a model unto itself. The Mustang II was the continuation of an existing legend and was barely more than a pinto place holder. Yes, it kept the nameplate alive and for that I’m grateful, and despite there being some who love it, it really is the boil on the Mustang **s that should be lanced.

  3. Easy… the eighth generation Thunderbird (80-82) that was basically a Fairmont coupe in a cheap Leisure suit. Awful baroque styling, cheap recycled Fairmont interior bits, a gutless 255 cu in V8 that swilled as much gas as a 302 with even poorer performance and the early iteration of the AOD transmission that thunked into OD but had so little power an Angel farting created a headwind that demanded a gruff downshift. It’s like Ford management told the designers “here’s your last chance to get old LTD/Brougham/Grand Whatever ugly out of your system, let loose men” then turned the page and introduced the Gen 9 aero-Thunderbird, Cougar, Tempo (a runner up for 2nd worst), Mark VII, Taurus, etc. The Fairmont it was based on was a cheap car that didn’t try to hide it’s roots or intended function of economical basic transportation. But to make a Thunderbird out of it was sacrilege.


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