HomeFeatured VehiclesBaby Boomer donates BMW 2002 to Genius Garage

Baby Boomer donates BMW 2002 to Genius Garage

The generational shift is beginning to happen. Here's another enthusiast-hero who cares about youth interest in cars


Casey Putsch Skype interviews baby boomer, Michael Johnson, a subscriber to his YouTube channel who was inspired to donate his 1973 BMW 2002 to the Genius Garage educational programs. He is paying it forward for so many young people who will find love for vintage cars, mechanics, and engineering for years to come. This is his story and opinion on why this is important — and why there is a generational divide with car enthusiasts.

Casey gained national attention when he offered a provenance-full Greenwood Corvette for $5000 to a 25 year old or younger person who would restore it and race it. This is the second car donation to youth by a baby-boomer on Casey’s show.



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