HomeCar CultureCar movie of the day: ‘Thelma and Louise’

Car movie of the day: ‘Thelma and Louise’


Editor’s note: Car guys, and even car girls, can take only so much of those Hallmark holiday movies that fill the airwaves and cable systems this time of year. As an automotive alternative, we’re offering our own suggestions of our favorite car movies for your viewing pleasure. Check out more of our favorite car movies here.

Talk about a drive gone bad: The 1991 film Thelma and Louise starts with two friends taking a trip to go fishing and ends with a car flying into the Grand Canyon.

It’s a wild ride along the way, one that has been hailed as a landmark of feminist film and was selected by the Library of Congress for preservation in the National Film Registry.

Thelma and Louise features a car driving off into the sunset in more way than one. | Metro Goldwyn Mayer
Thelma and Louise features a car driving off into the sunset in more way than one. | Metro Goldwyn Mayer

The plot is intricate, but basically things keep going from bad to worse for Thelma and Louise. Thelma is nearly raped in a parking lot and, coming to her defense, Louise shoots the man dead. This kicks off a crime spree driven more by necessity than greed and that culminates with the duo opting to die rather than spending their rest of their lives in prison.



  1. Please don’t give away the endings. Despite how old the movie might be, I haven’t ever seen Thelma and Louise, and now have less of a desire to watch it.

  2. You’re really not missing much. It’s mainly a chick flik culminating in two careless, heartless women sending an innocent 1966 Ford Thundebird to the bottom of the Grand Canyon in a blaze. Then again, I feel more compassion towards the car than I do the people. LOL


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